“I’m Sorry, Mr. Tree”?
As you read this, please understand that we live in Santa Cruz County, CA. But the rest of the country is catching up, if you want to call it that.
So a while back my wife is hanging out with one of our granddaughters at the local elementary school. As they are leaving, a couple of little schoolboys climb up into a tree. Boys will be boys … and after all, that’s what trees are for, right?
Not according to the yard duty supervisor. She tells them they need to get out of the tree (understandably, given the various liability and safety issues). After they descend, she then gives them firm instructions: “Now you must go tell the tree you’re sorry!”
Classic scene ensues: one little boy stands up to the tree and says, “Tree, I’m NOT sorry!”
Possible insubordination aside, it’s a pretty funny (and cute) scene. Were it not for probable encouragement toward disrespect for those in authority, my wife would’ve given these boys high fives.
“Tell the tree you’re sorry” is SO Santa Cruz.” People around here love that stuff. This is a tree hugger’s paradise. But this ideology/religion is wrong, and it stems from a rejection of God as Creator.
Don’t get me wrong. I don’t want to hurt trees. That is, I don’t want to aimlessly or recklessly damage plants, trees, bugs, or animals. Maybe I did when I was a boy, but not now. But I will use trees to build my house, to heat the wood stove, and make my toothpicks.
These boys didn’t “hurt” the tree at all. They weren’t breaking branches, and the tree was plenty strong enough to support them both. Their “crime” was climbing the tree at all.
We’re in a worldview battle, folks. The camps are clearly divided between those who believe God created everything and then left man to use and responsibly manage what He made … and those who deny the existence of God and replace Him with the creation itself.
If there is no God as Creator, Sustainer, and Life Giver, then this life we’re living is meaningless.
I’ll worship God as the Creator of the trees, and then I’ll support responsible use of them.
But I’ll never apologize to a tree. Not gonna happen.
Romans 1:20-21 For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse, because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened.
Romans 1:25 …who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.
Thanks for reading.
Funny. Sad. Funny. Sad. Thanks for the reminder of the times, Bill.
Classic! The lady should know that the tree gets great joy in having those little souls climbing in her branches.The tree receives nourishment from those little energy balls sharing their innocent energy with her. That is the apologetic from Marin 😉
I’m pretty sure I got this same truth from “The Giving Tree” – only my favorite book as a 5 year-old.
Grape vines are even more sensitive.
That’s the apologetic from Napa.
I am amazed at the line of thinking from those that reject the revelation of God which is found in the very nature that they humanize & sometimes deify.
The little boy had it right on some level, eh?
Thanks Bill
Great example of what a non-theistic worldview produces. I’ll go with the boy too, even though he has committed…..treeson!
Good stuff Bill.
Love it, Jeff. Treeson. Classic!